T-Sem Mechanical

UK built solution to all your drilling requirements. Direct, min-till and conventional. The T-sem range covers it all.


European drill built with the varied demands of the modern farmer in mind. You can sow any seed into any surface – clovers, grasses, brassicas, cereals, pulses, maize and all mixtures into grassland, stubbles, ploughed and/or cultivated land and direct into standing cover crops.


A row of straight discs open the slot in advance of three rows of spring-tine mounted seed boots. These prepare an upside-down T-slot, a perfect seedbed for both germination and root establishment. Behind the tines is a Springflex roller which passes between the rows and a chain harrow which crumbles and levels without over-firming the slot itself.


The mechanical seedbox with its unique sponge seed-metering system completes this simple answer to all your sowing needs.